
CAPEv2 Malware Analysis Development

Project Description:

The aim of this project is to enhance the CAPEv2 malware cuckoo sandbox technology. The current technology automates malware analysis by executing it in an isolated environment and monitoring its behavior. However, there are areas that can be improved for better effectiveness and efficiency.

The project will involve fixing software-breaking bugs to ensure accurate and effective malware analysis. Google backup features will be added to allow automatic backup to Google Drive to prevent data loss. The integration of WHOIS functionality will enable the sandbox to query WHOIS databases for enhanced malware analysis.

Memory enhancements will be added to optimize memory usage for better performance, and integration with the MISP portal will allow for improved reporting and analysis.

Overall, this project will provide a more powerful tool for detecting and analyzing malware, contributing to improved cybersecurity.

This work includes:
  • Fixing bugs
  • Develop google backup features
  • Incorporation of WHOIS query functionality
  • Enhance memory dynamic analysis
  • Integration with MISP Portal
  • Optimized reporting and analysis
Github Repositories:
Created Using:
  • Cuckoo
  • Yara
  • Python
  • Django
Huang Wanling, Senior Cybersecurity Specialist and Lecturer
Presentation Slides
Goh Ee Sheng © 2023